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We are the sweatiest 5 piece band south of the border.

Cavans Knights in baggy armor. The band originally hails from the magical lands of Cavan with members from as far and wide as Navan and Louth. The Jobseekerz began playing music in 2014 playing shows in the local region and finding their sound. 


After numerous line-up changes the quintint have formed a relationship and found their sound as an Alternate Rock, Rap, and Funk blend that they describe as Electric Gyp-Hop(Sham-rock). Listeners often compare this to the likes of the Beastie Boys and the Red Hot Chilli Peppers.

video editor -michael rogers

They have released their debut EP Social Hellfare at KnockanStockan festival on the 21st of July and their first music video for It's Got Me Like on the 6th of July which is gaining traction due to the cameo appearances of various TD's within the district.

The band are notorious for their energetic live shows, stage-presence and crowd interaction. The variety and mood changes during the set along with the social commentary from the inter-changing vocalists brings fresh air to every song in the set.


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polaroiid records

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